State Assessment Tools
The State HCBS Assessment Tools area of the RTC/OM website includes the results of the center’s effort to identify the assessments used in HCBS programs serving people with disabilities across the United States.
*Select a state to display available information about assessments used within specific HCBS programs for eligibility/support or quality/outcomes.
Verified by State Officials.
Partially Verified by State Officials.
Information based on state waiver applications only. No verification provided by state.
No information currently available.
Methods Used to Identify Assessments in HCBS Programs
The RTC/OM center staff are identifying assessment tools used within each state to either determine eligibility and support or the quality and outcomes of people within HCBS programs. The data collection for each state involves two primary data collection phases. Initially, RTC/OM staff review state waiver applications and contracts, HCBS transition plans, and other state documents and state web pages to identify and code information about HCBS programs and the assessments used within the state. Following completion of the initial data gathering phase, RTC/OM staff contact key officials within states to verify the information obtained and determine additional assessments not identified during the first data collection phase. The state HCBS assessment tools area of the website will be periodically updated with new information as it becomes available.