The Performance Outcome Measurement Project (POMP 5): Caregiver Services Survey Instrument | 27 |
Burden Scale for Family Caregivers, Long Form (BSFC) | 28 |
Caregiver Strain Index (CSI) | 11 |
Caregiving Appraisal Scale (CAS) | 36 |
CGUS: Caregiving in the U.S. 2015 | 6 |
Community Service Attitudes Inventory | 6 |
Coordinated Assessement System | 3 |
Family and Individual Needs for Disability Supports (FINDS) Survey | 5 |
Mental Health Statistics Improvement Program
(MHSIP) Family Survey | 3 |
National Survey of Older Americans Act Participants (NSOAAP): Individual Service Modules | 10 |
NSOC: National Study of Caregiving. | 47 |
Person-Centered Practices in Assisted Living (PC-PAL), Resident and Staff Forms | 1 |
SCSPWD - Survey for Caregivers Supporting a Person with a Disability Outside of the Disability Support Service System. | 15 |
Tailored Caregiver Assessment, Personal Family Caregiver Survey (TCARE) | 37 |
Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI) | 19 |
CAHPS Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Survey EoC | 0 |
Cash and Counseling Demonstration
Baseline Instrument | 0 |
CQL Personal Outcome Measures (POM) | 0 |
Money Follows the Person (MFP) Quality of Life Survey | 0 |
Mental Health Statistics Improvement Program
(MHSIP) Adult Consumer Survey | 0 |
National Core Indicators Adult Consumer Survey (NCI ACS) | 0 |
National Core Indicators Aging and Disabilities (NCI AD) | 0 |
Personal Experience Outcomes Integrated Interview and Evaluation System (PEONIES) | 0 |
Participant Experience Surveys Elderly and Disabled (PES-ED) | 0 |
AACP Rose-Recovery Oriented Services Evaluation | 0 |
Agreement with Recovery Attitudes Scale | 0 |
American Institutes for Research Self-Determination Assessment | 0 |
Assessment of Quality of Life (AQoL) | 0 |
Assistance with Caregiving | 0 |
Attitudes Towards Treatment | 0 |
Australian Community Participation Questionnaire | 0 |
Burden Scale for Family Caregivers, Short Form (BSFC) | 0 |
CAN - Camberwell Assessment of Need, Revised | 0 |
Canadian Survey on Disability (CSD) | 0 |
Client Assessment Inventory (CAI) | 0 |
CLMDP: SAMHSA’s NOMs Client-Level Measures for Discretionary Programs Providing | 0 |
Community Integration Measure (CIM) | 0 |
Community Integration Questionnaire - Revised (CIQ-R) | 0 |
Community Participation Indicators (CPI) | 0 |
Consumer Recovery Outcomes System (CROS 3.0) - only use consumer version | 0 |
CQL Basic Assurances | 0 |
Craig Handicap Assessment and Reporting Technique (CHART) | 0 |
Craig Hospital Inventory of Environmental Factors (CHIEF) | 0 |
Decision Making Involvement Scale | 0 |
Disability Rating Scale (DRS) | 0 |
Empowering Arizona’s Individuals with
Developmental Disabilities Consumer to Consumer Survey (EAZI) | 0 |
Empowerment Affirmation Scale (ES - Corrigan) | 0 |
Evaluating Social Inclusion Questionnaire | 0 |
Experience of Care and Health Outcomes Survey, CAHPS Version 3.0 (ECHO) | 0 |
Glasgow Outcome Scale-Extended (GOS-E) | 0 |
Hopkins Symptom Checklist - 25 item version (HSC) | 0 |
Illness Management and Recovery (IMR) Scales - Clinician rating | 0 |
Illness Management and Recovery (IMR) Scales - Consumer Self-rating | 0 |
Lehman Quality of Life Interview (QLI) | 0 |
Maryland Assessment of Recovery in People with Serious Mental Illness | 0 |
Mayo-Portland Adaptability Inventory-4 (MPAI-4) | 0 |
Mental Health Statistics Improvement Program
(MHSIP) Youth Consumer Survey | 0 |
Minnesota Department of Human Services Resident Quality of Life Interview 2015 | 0 |
Minnesota Elderly Waiver Consumer Experience Survey (MNCES) | 0 |
Minnesota Self-Determination Scales Decision-Making Preference Scale | 0 |
Minnesota Self-Determination Scales Exercise of Control Scale | 0 |
Minnesota Self-Determination Scales Exercise of Control Scale (Staff version) | 0 |
Minnesota Self-Determination Scales Importance of Control Scale | 0 |
Minnesota Self-Determination Scales Self-Determination Environment Scale | 0 |
Minnesota Self-Determination Scales Self-Determination Environment Scale (Staff version) | 0 |
MN LTSS Improvement Tool Form 7611 D (MN-LTSSIT-D) | 0 |
MN LTSS Improvement Tool Form 7611A (MN-LTSSIT-A) | 0 |
MN LTSS Improvement Tool Form 7611B (MN-LTSSIT-B) | 0 |
MN LTSS Improvement Tool Form 7611C (MN-LTSSIT-C) | 0 |
MN Service Provider (MNSP) | 0 |
MNSP-CMEvalProviders | 0 |
MNSP-PersonEvalCM | 0 |
MNSP-PersonEvalCSSP | 0 |
MNSP-PersonEvalProviders | 0 |
MOS Social Support Survey | 0 |
National Core Indicators (NCI) Adult Family Survey (NCI AFS) | 0 |
National Core Indicators (NCI) Child Family Survey (NCI CFS) | 0 |
National Core Indicators (NCI) Family Guardian Survey (NCI FGS) | 0 |
National Core Indicators (NCI) Staff Stability Survey | 0 |
National Core Indicators In-Person Survey (NCI IPS) | 0 |
National Health and Aging Trends Study Round 5 (NHATS) - Participation Module | 0 |
National Long Term Care Survey Community Questionnaire, 2004 (NLTCS) | 0 |
National Survey of Older Americans Act Participants (NSOAAP): Additional Service List Module | 0 |
National Survey of Older Americans Act Participants (NSOAAP): DEMOGRAPHIC INTAKE Module | 0 |
National Survey of Older Americans Act Participants (NSOAAP): PHYSICAL, SOCIAL, AND EMOTIONAL WELL-BEING Module | 0 |
NYPSS - New York Traumatic Brain Injury
Waiver Program Participant Satisfaction Survey | 0 |
Ohio Department of Aging Resident Satisfaction Survey (OH-RCF) | 0 |
Older People’s Quality of Life Questionnaire (OPQOL-35) | 0 |
ORIES - Oregon HCBS Individual Experience Survey, 2015 | 0 |
PART-E - Participation Assessment with Recombined Tools-Enfranchisement | 0 |
PART-O - Participation Assessment with Recombined Tools-Objective | 0 |
Participant Experience Survey Home- and Community-Based Services Experience Survey (PES-HCBS) | 0 |
Participant Experience Survey Home- and Community-Based Services Experience Survey (PES-HCBS) Alternate Version | 0 |
Participant Experience Survey Mental Retardation/Developmental Disabilities Version (PES-MRDD) | 0 |
Pearlin Coping Mastery Scale (PCMS) | 0 |
Peer Outcomes Protocol - Program satisfaction module and well-being module | 0 |
Perceived Autonomy Support - The Mental Health Climate Questionnaire (PAS-MHCQ) | 0 |
Perceived Competence for Recovery Scale (PCRS) | 0 |
Perceived Quality of Life Scale (PQoL) | 0 |
Personal Empowerment | 0 |
Personal Life Quality Protocol (PLQ) | 0 |
Personal Wellbeing Index-Intellectual Disability | 0 |
Preferences for Everyday Living Inventory-Nursing Home | 0 |
PROMIS-ES - PROMIS Item Bank v2.0,
Emotional Support | 0 |
PROMIS-GHS - PROMIS Item Bank v1.0/1.1,
Global Health Scale | 0 |
Satisfaction with Participation in Discretionary Social Activities | 0 |
PROMIS-SSRA - PROMIS Item Bank v2.0,
Satisfaction with Social Roles and Activities | 0 |
Quality of Life (Kane, 2004) | 0 |
Quality of Life in Alzheimer's Disease Scale | 0 |
Quality of Life Questionnaire (QOL - Schalock) | 0 |
Quality of Life Scale, Flanagan (QOLS) | 0 |
Recovery Assessment Scale (RAS) | 0 |
Recovery Oriented Practices Index (ROPI) | 0 |
Recovery Oriented System Indicators (ROSI) | 0 |
Recovery Promotion Fidelity Scale (RPFS) | 0 |
Recovery Self-Assessment Scale (RSA) Person in Recovery Version | 0 |
Ridgway Recovery-Enhancing Environment Measure | 0 |
Rochester Recovery Inventory | 0 |
Sense of Community Index 2 (SCI-2) | 0 |
Social Acceptance Scale (SAS) | 0 |
Social and Community Opportunities Profile | 0 |
Social Relations Scale (Quality of Life Interview, Lehman) (QOLI-SRS) | 0 |
Staff Relationship Scale (SRS) | 0 |
Staff Survey of Social Inclusion | 0 |
Stages of Recovery Instrument (STORI) | 0 |
Temple University Community Participation Measure (TUCPM) | 0 |
The Arc’s Self-Determination Scale,
Adult Version (ASDS) | 0 |
The Empowerment Scale, Rogers (ESR) - AKA Making Decisions Empowerment Scale | 0 |
The Family Quality of Life Scale (FQOL) | 0 |
The Performance Outcome Measurement Project (POMP 5): Additional Services Received Module | 0 |
The Performance Outcome Measurement Project (POMP 5): Case Management Survey Instrument | 0 |
The Performance Outcome Measurement Project (POMP 5): Demographics Module | 0 |
The Performance Outcome Measurement Project (POMP 5): Social and Emotional Well-Being Module | 0 |
The Performance Outcome Measurement Project (POMP 5): Transportation Survey Instrument | 0 |
TRAIL Leisure Assessment Battery | 0 |
UCLA Loneliness Scale (UCLA LS) | 0 |
Well-Being Scale | 0 |
World Health Organization Quality of Life BREF (WHOQOL-BREF) | 0 |
World Health Organization Quality of Life OLD (WHOQOL-OLD) | 0 |
Youth Quality of Life Instrument - Short Form (YQOL-SF) | 0 |
Youth Services Survey (YSS) | 0 |