Quality of Life in Alzheimer's Disease Scale


Assessing quality of life
Person with a Disability
Administration Method
Administration Mode
Item Count
Age Related Disability

Instrument Citation(s)

Logsdon, R.G. (1996). Quality of Life-Alzheimer's Disease (QoL-AD). Department of Psychosocial and
Community Health: University of Washington.
http://www.cogsclub.org.uk/professionals/files/QOL-AD.pdf PDF

Logsdon, R., Gibbons, L.E., McCurry, S.M., Terri, L. (1999). Quality of life in Alzheimer’s disease: patient
and caregiver reports. J Mental Health Aging, 5, 21–32.

Instrument Domains

DomainNumber of Items
Community Inclusion4
Meaningful activity1
Social connectedness and relationships3
Resources and settings to facilitate inclusion0
Holistic Health and Functioning7
Individual health and functioning7
Health promotion and prevention0
Caregiver Support0
Access to resources0
Family caregiver/natural support involvement0
Family caregiver/natural support wellbeing0
Training and skill-building0
Choice and Control0
Choice of services and supports0
Personal choices and goals0
Personal freedoms and dignity of risk0
Consumer Leadership in System Development0
Evidence of meaningful caregiver involvement0
Evidence of meaningful consumer involvement0
System supports meaningful consumer involvement0
Equitable access and resource allocation0
Transparency and consistency0
Fluctuation of Need0
Human and Legal Rights0
Freedom from abuse and neglect0
Informed decision-making0
Optimizing the preservation of legal and human rights0
Supporting individuals in exercising their human and legal rights0
Level of Caregiver Well-Being0
Person-Centered Planning and Coordination0
Person-centered planning0
Service Delivery and Effectiveness0
Person's needs met and goals realized0
System Performance and Accountability0
Data management and use0
Evidence-based practice0
Financing and service delivery structures0
Adequately compensated with benefits0
Culturally competent0
Demonstrated competencies when appropriate0
Person-centered approach to services0
Safety of and respect for the worker0
Staff Turnover0
Sufficient workforce numbers dispersion and availability0
Workforce engagement and participation0

Psychometric Citations

  • Thorgrimsen, L., Selwood, A., Spector, A., Royan, L., de Madariaga Lopez, M., Woods, R. T., & Orrell, M.
    (2003). Whose quality of life is it anyway? The validity and reliability of the Quality of Life-
    Alzheimer's Disease (QoL-AD) scale. Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders, 17(4), 201-208.

    Type of Publication
    Peer review
    Instrument Language
    Sample: Age (Mean and Range)

    sample 1: 81.3 (6.0) [69–92]; sample 2: 85.3 (7.0) [66–101]

    Sample: Age Group

    65+ Years

    Sample: Countries/State

    United Kingdom

    Sample: Disability Type

    Age Related Disability

    Sample: Gender (%male)

    sample 1: 44 (73.3%); sample 2: 158 (78.6%)

    Sample: Race/Ethnicity (%)

    Not Reported

    Sample: Sampling Strategy

    Convenience Sample

    Sample: Size

    Sample 1 (n = 60); Sample 2
    (n = 201)

    Reliability: Inter-rater

    κ >0.70.

    Reliability: Internal Consistency

    Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.82

    Reliability: Test-retest

    Overall ICC = 0.6 or above; κ = 0.37 for one item “family”; κ ranged from 0.40 to 0.74 for all other items.

    Validity: Construct (Convergent and Discriminant)

    The Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity reached statistical significance (p < 0.001), and the Kaiser- Meyer-Oklin value was 0.74, thus supporting the factorability of the correlation matrix.

    Validity: Content Validity (e.g., Expert Judgement)

    The scale was found to have good content validity with no additional items required and all items necessary.

    Validity: Criterion Validity (Concurrent and Predictive)

    It correlated well with the Dementia Quality of Life scale (0.69) and with the Euroqol-5D scale (0.54), indicating good criterion concurrent validity.

    Study design
  • Logsdon, R., Gibbons, L.E., McCurry, S.M., Terri, L. (1999). Quality of life in Alzheimer’s disease: patient
    and caregiver reports. J Mental Health Aging, 5, 21–32.

    Type of Publication
    Peer review
    Instrument Language
    Sample: Age (Mean and Range)

    average 78.3 years (sd = 6.1)

    Sample: Age Group

    65+ Years

    Sample: Countries/State


    Sample: Disability Type

    Age Related Disability

    Sample: Gender (%male)


    Sample: Race/Ethnicity (%)

    86% Caucasian, 14% African American

    Sample: Sampling Strategy

    Convenience Sample

    Sample: Size


    Reliability: Internal Consistency

    Coefficient Alpha = 0.88

    Reliability: Test-retest

    ICC = 0.76

    Validity: Criterion Validity (Concurrent and Predictive)

    Patient QoL-AD scores were modestly correlated with MMSE scores: r = 0.24, p<0.05

    Study design